It talked about how listing to different music, seeing text, looking at related or different images when you're looking at an image can completely change the way you look at it.
I sat there and realised how many articles, adverts and images I've looked at in the past and how they can mean a completely different thing if there wasn't the text around it, or the music going along with the advert.
The power of an image mixed with another aspect is surprisingly strong!

It mentioned how women want to be desirable, but they believe that 'perfect' women in adverts are desirable and don't realise that 99% of the time there is plenty of photoshop used and they need to realise you can't live your life in a pose. When this video was made there was half as much photoshop and image manipulation used but I'm reflecting on what they were saying and how it relates to us today.
In our seminars we continued to reflect on the documentary we had been watching and how the distortion of seeing is used in visual merchandising, marketing and also then went onto body image.
We noticed how much music and visuals around store effect how people shop and feel whilst in store, also how is also changes the mood of a video advert and catwalk events. We also discussed how what comes before or after an advert can affect how you look at the advert which is often noticed in magazines, TV advertising and also outdoor advertising e.g. buses and billboards.
We then went onto body image and discussed how everyone wants to be individual, but really when you look at the wider picture, you see that everyone is wearing very much a similar style, have similar hairstyles and makeup habits, yet when you ask them if they think they are individual they say that they believe they are. Yes, personality wise everyone is individual but style wise, its more often than not that people are less individual.
Wow, this was a pretty deep blog post!
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